Fundamentals of Academic Writing #5: Problem-solving
Academic writing James Hayton Academic writing James Hayton

Fundamentals of Academic Writing #5: Problem-solving

What do you do when you face a block in your writing?

Last time, I mentioned how I always try to keep working on a section of writing until it’s done. I don’t switch to working on something else if I face a problem, I stick with it until I find a solution.

So in this video I’m going to introduce some of the ways I go about this kind of problem-solving in writing.

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The most important time-management habit (do this every day)

The most important time-management habit (do this every day)

Do you ever find yourself sitting down at your computer but not knowing where to start?

If so, it's very easy to end up on autopilot, checking email and so on, letting your attention follow whatever pops up. Once you're in that loop, it can be quite difficult to get out again.

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A PhD is not just "an original contribution to knowledge"
General PhD tips James Hayton General PhD tips James Hayton

A PhD is not just "an original contribution to knowledge"

One of the common phrases I’ll hear is that a PhD is an “original contribution to the body of knowledge”.
This is one of those phrases that gets repeated so much that nobody seems to stop and think about what it actually means, or whether it’s an appropriate phrase to use. So in this video I’m going to break down some of the common misconceptions around originality and give you a different perspective on what’s actually required.

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How to improve your writing: A guide for PhD students and academics
Academic writing James Hayton Academic writing James Hayton

How to improve your writing: A guide for PhD students and academics

Writing is an essential skill for any PhD student or academic, but it's also a huge source of stress. This is partly due to the scale and complexity of the task, but also due to a general lack of training in writing.

Many of the most common pieces of advice (like, "just get words down and sort it out later") simply do not work. In this lecture given at the University of Tübingen in October 2022 I explain some key principles of structure and process that can be applied to any project.

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