The most important time-management habit (do this every day)

The most important time-management habit (do this every day)

Do you ever find yourself sitting down at your computer but not knowing where to start?

If so, it's very easy to end up on autopilot, checking email and so on, letting your attention follow whatever pops up. Once you're in that loop, it can be quite difficult to get out again.

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Planting seeds or putting out fires?
Time management, General PhD tips James Hayton Time management, General PhD tips James Hayton

Planting seeds or putting out fires?

If you're putting out fires, you're dealing with the urgent, short-term problems, but potentially neglecting your longer-term success.

If you're planting seeds, you not only have to wait before getting the benefits, you also have to put in work over time to cultivate them. It's slow, but the earlier you start the greater the payoff in the long term.

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